With the warmer weather flirting with us and another bank holiday within touching distance, the thoughts of many have turned to planning that almighty BBQ to officially kick off the summer months. But for us at Inside Out Living, BBQs aren’t just for bank holidays….
Don’t get me wrong, I love hosting a big fandango for family and friends, barbecuing pretty much anything that can be barbecued and creating an array of salads that you’d expect to see in a trendy vegetarian salad bar in Soho. But, I am also partial to firing up the burner midweek to enjoy a quick meal of grilled fish or meat and veg, alfresco, on a lovely garden furniture set of course (in case you were wondering – mine is the Hartman Essential Corner Sofa Set with Rectangular Table in Light Brown – what a beauty it is).
So this blog is just me trying to convince you to think outside (no pun intended) of the bank holiday weekend. To make the most of that fine chunk of stainless steel that you dust off now and again to burn some burgers on. Fire it up, any and every day of the week, after all, practice makes perfect. And, if you are put off by the dreaded clean-up session post-BBQ, you clearly have the wrong BBQ! You should seriously consider nabbing yourself one of our Stainless Steel Grillsteam Gas BBQs, which has a patented u-shaped double grill design, meaning less fat drips onto the burners causing less flame flare-ups, less blackened burgers and less mess to clear up! That, and the removable fat tray is one of many reasons the Grillstream BBQs are the don of all BBQs. Go on, take a look at the full range of our BBQs and accessories, I know you want to.
Happy barbecuing 🙂